Different Strokes Swimming Newsletter October 14th

Achievements and Inspirations OCTOBER 14TH ISSUE Hi Everyone, I’m so thrilled to see so many of our swimmers hitting their aquatic milestones in time for summer. Nothing makes my heart sing more than seeing our swimmers progress. Take a look at those who’ve just joined our 25m and 100m Clubs in this newsletter. If you want […]
Different Strokes Swimming Newsletter July 30th

New Season Updates JULY 30 ISSUE Hi Everyone, We’re very excited to be returning to Prince Alfred Park Pool mid August. As lovely as it has been running our classes indoors at Cook and Phillip Park Pool, particularly in the wet and cold, it will be great to be able to bring back our mid […]
NSW Police Swim Test

Did you know we offer NSW Police Swim Test? As an accredited silver AUSTSWIM provider, we are not only authorised to conduct NSW Police Swim Tests, but we can also provide the training required to complete the Aquatic Rescue Sequence. The requirements of the Aquatic Rescue Sequence are as follows: – Enter the water with […]