Sydney Swimmers Newsletter September 15th

Welcoming in a New Swim Season SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 ISSUE Hi Everyone, Spring is the time of the year when I really start to lock down my swimming goals for summer. Not only is it one of my favourite times of the year, with lighter mornings and the bitter cold of winter subsiding, it’s a great time […]

Sydney Swimmers Newsletter August 6th

Here Comes the Sun AUGUST 6th, 2022 ISSUE Hi Everyone, It feels like Sydney is pretty empty at the moment with many people travelling to the Northern Hemisphere, making up for lost time after the closed borders of the last couple of years. This coupled with people being away with flu, colds and the dreaded COVID […]

Different Strokes Swimming Newsletter December 17th

2021 Wrap Up 17th DECEMBER ISSUE Hi Everyone, Here we are again with the Festive Season upon us. What a year it has been! As we head towards Christmas I’m reminded of the determination and dedication of our swimmers. We’re really delighted to see so many of you return to classes after lockdown and pick up your swimming where you left off.  We will […]