Different Strokes Swimming Newsletter October 14th

Achievements and Inspirations OCTOBER 14TH ISSUE Hi Everyone, I’m so thrilled to see so many of our swimmers hitting their aquatic milestones in time for summer. Nothing makes my heart sing more than seeing our swimmers progress. Take a look at those who’ve just joined our 25m and 100m Clubs in this newsletter. If you want […]
Different Strokes Swimming Newsletter August 29th

Launching our App! AUGUST 29TH ISSUE Hi Everyone, Thankfully winter is nearly at an end, with Thursday heralding in warmer weather on the first day of Spring. The first of September is also the start of the summer swim season, with many ocean swim events commencing. If you haven’t already thought about getting your swimming into […]
Sydney Swimmers Newsletter July 6th

Back to the Ocean JULY 6, 2022 ISSUE Hi Everyone, I’m so thrilled we’ve started our Open Water for Total Beginners program. To share these skills with novice ocean swimmers and introduce them to the fabulous world of ocean swimming, is very exciting. To do it at this time of year is even better. There is nothing like swimming in the ocean […]
Different Strokes Swimming Newsletter October 17th

A Post-Lockdown Future OCTOBER 17TH ISSUE Hi Everyone, I hope you’re feeling as ecstatic as I am about our lives returning to some form of normality. The new life of living with COVID. The lifting of the 5km travel restriction and the ability for swimmers to get to the water, has made an enormous difference for many. Indoor pools reopening this week […]