Different Strokes Swimming Newsletter May 22nd

What’s coming up this winter? MAY 22ND ISSUE Hi Everyone, We have a few announcements for you in this newsletter, all aimed at keeping you swimming through the cooler months. It certainly does feel like winter has hit with the drop in temperature these past few days. It seems winter has started early this year! I know a […]
Different Strokes Swimming Newsletter April 6th

Moving On Up APRIL 6 ISSUE Hi Everyone, What an extraordinary time it has been these past couple of months. The rain!! When will it stop? I can’t tell you how impressed the team and I are with those of you who keep coming to class no matter what the weather. You are amazing. Simply the best! I just […]
Different Strokes Swimming Newsletter January 25th

A Fresh New Year January Masterclass Wrap-Up No Classes this Wednesday! Summer Safety – Treading Water Goal Setting in 2022 View this email in your browser A Fresh New Year JANUARY 25TH ISSUE Hi Everyone, Happy New Year! Although I guess one could say, “What a start to the year!” It feels a little bleak at times […]
Different Strokes Swimming Newsletter October 17th

A Post-Lockdown Future OCTOBER 17TH ISSUE Hi Everyone, I hope you’re feeling as ecstatic as I am about our lives returning to some form of normality. The new life of living with COVID. The lifting of the 5km travel restriction and the ability for swimmers to get to the water, has made an enormous difference for many. Indoor pools reopening this week […]
NEW Rockdale Classes

We have some exciting news for our DSS swimmers: starting next weekend on Saturday the 23rd of October we will be running classes at the Rockdale Fitness First indoor 25m pool! They will be commencing every Saturday and Sunday mornings, with room to grow into afternoon classes on the Saturday if there’s demand. Classes will run for the full […]