Judy, Jenny, Mel and I participated in the MS 24 hour Mega Swim. Supporting the Swim Sisters team, we all donned our Sydney Swimmers (our sister business) swimming costumes, jumped in and swam and swam. The Swim Sisters and their supporters raised over $8,000 for MS and collectively we swam a total of 51.65km. A cracking result! I might add Jenny and Judy opted to do the overnight shift, a fantastic effort!
Our Backstroke Masterclass last month saw a great turnout. I’m delighted to say all participants are swimming backstroke with better technique and greater confidence. Take a look at the photos in the newsletter.
Our next Masterclass is Butterfly, running next Saturday. The details can be found below.
Quite a number of our swimmers have progressed over the summer to the Intermediate level and beyond. A huge congratulations to all of you! The team and I urge you to keep swimming over winter, whether it be lap swimming, joining SwimFit or classes to work on improving your technique, or to learn a new stroke. Your swimming journey is in its infancy and there is still a long way to go. Don’t take a break now, as you may regress a little without practice. This is the time to set yourself up for summer and pick up the pace.
As always, yours in swimming,
Kari Baynes
Date: Saturday 25 & 26 May 2019
Where: Olympic Park Aquatic Centre, Sydney
Photographer: Kari Baynes & Swim Sisters Squad