What a cold winter we’re having! You may recall in the last newsletter I encouraged everyone to keep swimming. Well I’m delighted to report, many have! I think we’d agree it has been one of the coldest winter seasons we’ve seen. Yet, we have been thrilled by the number of swimmers who’ve kept coming to classes. There’s been a 23% increase in class attendance since the beginning of June, compared to the same time last year. It’s terrific so many of our clients are getting swim ready for summer!
Winter is the time of the year we focus on our housekeeping here at Different Strokes Swimming. This is when we spruce up our systems, processes, review our website, and generally get ourselves ready for spring and summer. We also run inservice professional development sessions for our instructors. So be prepared to see some improvements in how we do things over the next few months. All this helps to further our goal of offering you the best swimming classes in Sydney.
I’m sad to announce Coach Judy has decided to move on. We wish her all the best with her future endeavours. The Masterclasses will now be taken by Coach Mickaela. Mickaela has been a competitive swimmer for most of her life, often with podium finishes. She still competes today. Mickaela currently coaches our squads, Sydney Swimmers, as well as coaching for North Sydney Masters Swimming Club. I think you’ll really enjoy her masterclasses and Video and Stroke Correction Clinics.
I’ve managed to escape the Sydney winter, leaving last week. This newsletter is coming to you from London where I’m staying, after a few days rest in Singapore. I’m here to swim in the first of two big swims this year. This first event is the Thames Marathon on Sunday. A 14km swim from Henley to Marlow, just outside of London. I believe the river runs through one of the most picturesque parts of England. I doubt I’ll see too much of the view, but I will try to grab a glimpse as I focus on putting one hand in the water after the other. With a 7.00am start, fingers crossed, I should be finished around lunchtime. I’m looking forward to putting all my training over of the past few months into the event and finishing my longest swim ever.
I look forward to seeing you all when I return.
As always, yours in swimming,
Kari Baynes
Time: 8.35am
Date: Saturday 29 June 2019
Where: Prince Alfred Park, Surrey Hills
Photographer: Kari Baynes